The Nutritional and Health Benefits of Integrating Soursop into Your Diet

Soursop, also known as guanabana, is a unique fruit that is found in many tropical countries around the world. It is known for its sweet and tangy taste, but it also has a lot of health benefits that make it a valuable addition to any diet. 

Soursop is high in essential vitamins and minerals that can benefit your health in various ways. In this article, we'll look at Soursop's many nutritional and health benefits and how to incorporate it into your diet easily.

The Nutritional Composition of Soursop

Soursop is low in calories yet high in several nutrients, such as fiber and vitamin C. A 100-gram serving of soursop contains the following nutrients:

  • Calories: 66
  • Protein: 1 g
  • Carbs: 16.8 g
  • Fiber: 3.3 g
  • Vitamin C: 34% of the Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI)
  • Potassium: 8% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 5% of the RDI
  • Thiamine: 5% of RDI

Soursop also contains trace amounts of niacin, riboflavin, folate, iron, and antioxidant compounds. Most of the fruit’s beneficial properties are due to its high antioxidant content. These antioxidants play a role in reducing the risk of various diseases. 

The Health Benefits of Soursop

Integrating soursop into your diet comes with the following benefits:

Fights Cancer Cells

Some studies have found that soursop may help eliminate cancer cells. Following a test-tube study, researchers discovered that soursop extract can help reduce tumor size, kill cancer cells, and boost immune system activity.

Another test-tube study examined the effect of soursop extract on leukemic cells. They found that the extract stopped the growth and formation of cancer cells—however, most studies on the use of soursop for cancer treatment focused on extracts from the fruit. Further studies are required to examine how eating fruit may affect human cancer.

Antibacterial Properties

Soursop may also help prevent bacteria. In one test-tube study, researchers used varying concentrations of soursop extract on different bacteria that cause oral disease. Soursop kills multiple bacteria, including bacterial strains that cause tooth decay, gingivitis, and yeast infections.

Another test-tube study also showed that soursop extract helps fight against the bacteria responsible for cholera and Staphylococcus infections. It’s important to note that most test-tube studies use high concentrations of soursop extract. Therefore, you must consume large amounts of fruit to enjoy these benefits.

Reduced Inflammation

Animal studies show that consuming soursop can help prevent inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury, but recent evidence shows that chronic inflammation may contribute to disease.

In one study, researchers found that soursop extract decreased swelling and countered inflammation in rats. Another study found that soursop extract reduced swelling in mice by up to 37%. 

Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

According to some animal studies, Soursop may also help stabilize blood sugar levels. A 2018 study discovered that a soursop leaf extract could significantly lower blood sugar levels in diabetic rats. The study authors attributed this effect to certain bioactive compounds in the soursop leaf extract, including flavonoids and alkaloids.

However, more research is needed to determine the effects of soursop on blood sugar regulation in humans. People with diabetes should speak with their healthcare provider before incorporating soursop or any other supplement into their treatment regimen.

Aids Kidney and Liver Health

Soursop has been traditionally used in some cultures to improve kidney and liver health. According to some studies, soursop contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that may benefit the kidneys and liver. For example, a study published in the journal "Phytotherapy Research" in 2014 found that a soursop leaf extract had protective effects on the liver in rats with liver damage.

Adding Soursop to Your Diet

Here are some tips for incorporating soursop into your meals:

  • Eat it raw: Soursop can be eaten raw by cutting it open and scooping the flesh with a spoon. It has a sweet and tangy flavor similar to a combination of pineapple and strawberry.
  • Make a smoothie: Soursop can be blended with other fruits and vegetables to make a delicious and nutritious smoothie. Try blending soursop with banana, coconut milk, and spinach for a refreshing green smoothie.
  • Make juice: Soursop can be juiced with a juicer or blended and then strained. Add a little honey or another sweetener to the juice to enhance the flavor.
  • Use it in desserts: Soursop can be used in desserts like sorbet, ice cream, and pudding. Its sweet and tangy flavor pairs well with other tropical fruits like mango and pineapple.
  • Add it to salads: Add soursop to your salads for a refreshing and unique twist. Add it to a salad with mixed greens, cucumber, and avocado.

Bottom Line

Overall, the nutritional and health benefits of soursop are numerous and varied. While more research is needed to fully understand soursop's effects on health, studies indicate that it may benefit cancer prevention, cardiovascular health, and immune function.
