The Nutritional and Health Benefits of Integrating Tangerines into Your Diet

Tangerine is a mandarin and one of the most cultivated citrus fruits, only second to orange. They also share a similar color to oranges; however, most people find them to be sweeter. It’s no secret that citrus fruits are beneficial thanks to their high vitamin C content and tangerine comes with its fair share of health benefits.

Tangerines are super low in carbs, in comparison to other fruits. They are easy to incorporate into your diet as you can enjoy these fruits by blending them into a tasty drink or as a snack on the go. This article discusses the nutritional and health benefits of eating tangerines.

Nutritional Composition of Tangerine

Even though tangerines are relatively smaller than other citrus fruits, they are packed with water and rich in various nutrients.

Some of the nutrients in tangerines include:

  • Carbs
  • Fiber
  • Protein
  • Fat
  • Vitamin C & A
  • Potassium

Tangerine provides up to 26% of the vitamin C daily value, which is behind most of its health benefits. The citrus fruit is also loaded with beta-cryptoxanthin, an antioxidant with health benefits for degenerative diseases.

In addition to the nutrients listed above, this juicy fruit provides several B complex vitamins such as B1, B6, B9, pyridoxine, and folate.

Health Benefits of Tangerine

Like most citrus fruits, tangerine’s abundance of antioxidants makes it greatly beneficial for health. Below are some of the major benefits of consuming tangerine:

Immunity Boost

The vitamin C in tangerine makes it a great immune booster. This vitamin protects your immune system from viruses and bacteria by supporting your T cells. The T cells are the white blood cells responsible for protecting the body from disease.

Research shows that vitamin C promotes the development of the T cells and their function. It also blocks pathways that may cause the death of these white blood cells. This way, your body produces a healthy level of cells to fight infections.

Vitamin C enhances other immune cells that ingest bacteria, improving your immune response. Additionally, hesperidin and naringenin, antioxidants in tangerine peel, have been shown to reduce the ferocity of allergic reactions.

Improved Brain Health

The antioxidants in tangerine may protect you from chronic brain disorders. Various studies have associated vitamin C and nobiletin in citrus fruits to protection against schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.

Researchers linked increased free radical count to the development of schizophrenia in humans. Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties may protect you from damage caused by free radicals in the brain.

What’s more, an animal study indicated that nobiletin in tangerine’s peel may limit memory loss caused by Alzheimer’s disease. Research on mice found that the nobiletin content also improves motor impairments in rodents by protecting dopamine-producing cells in the brain.

Better Skin

Eating tangerine may also improve your skin’s condition due to vitamin C’s support of collagen production. Collagen is the body’s most prominent protein. It is responsible for your body’s structure, strength, and it gives connective tissues stability.

As one grows older, the amount of collage in your body drops, causing wrinkling and signs of aging. Vitamin aids collagen synthesis, helping your body heal wounds and age slowly. Additionally, vitamin C’s antioxidant properties may also reduce signs of aging by preventing damages caused by free radicals to the skin.

Cancer Prevention

You may also want to add tangerine to your diet for its anti-cancer properties. Yet again, vitamin C is responsible for this benefit. Experts believe that this super vitamin may prevent the growth of tumors and allow wounds to heal faster after a surgery. This makes them effective for people receiving chemotherapy treatment.

Studies have shown that people with cancer are usually deficient of vitamin C and supplementation of the nutrients may improve outcome in the battle against the disease. However, research on humans regarding this subject is inconclusive.

Furthermore, flavonoids in citrus fruits have been linked to reduce risk of gastric, colon, breast, and lung cancers. However, a high dose of this vitamin is required to witness changes.

Weight Loss

Tangerine is also a great diet addition for people on weight-loss journeys. This citrus fruit may support weight loss by contributing to your daily fiber intake. Tangerine and other citrus fruits produce insoluble fiber, cellulose and lignin.

Their high fiber content allows you to quickly feel full when eating by slowing the digestion of food. This in turn, keeps your appetite in check and promotes weight loss.

On top of that, research shows people that consume more fiber maintain body weight better. They are also at less risk of weight regain in comparison to people that eat less fiber. One study also found that nobiletin prevented fat accumulation and counteracted the formation of fat cells.

Bottom Line

Even though tangerines are less popular than other citrus fruits, they come with several health benefits and are super versatile for dietary inclusion. Squeeze them for their juice or add them to your yogurt and snacks.
