5 Yellow Color Foods That Enhance Your Diet

From parents to health experts, everyone stresses the importance of eating more greens. However, how many times have you been advised to enjoy foods of other colors? Adding yellow fruits and vegetables to your diet offers several health benefits that you might have been missing. Yellow foods are rich in flavonoids and carotenoids, which work as antioxidants to fight diseases and prevent free radical damage. Are you interested in enhancing your diet with the most nutritious yellow color foods? Read on as we show you how.

  1. Bananas

Banana is a highly nutritious fruit and one of the healthiest yellow color foods that you can get. To start with, these fruits contain several essential nutrients that may aid weight loss and digestion while improving your heart health. They also have a moderate amount of fiber and various antioxidants. 

Bananas’ antioxidant content severely cuts down the risks of degenerative illnesses and prevents damage to your cells by free radicals. The soluble fiber in bananas keeps you full for longer by slowing digestion and adding bulk to your digestive system. Bananas’ potassium content may also improve kidney health. 

Banana contains potassium, a vital mineral for heart health. Potassium may also help lower blood pressure in people with hypertension and improve kidney health. You can eat your bananas bite by bite or chop them to make a smoothie. Bananas can also be filled with marshmallows and chocolate chips and grilled to make a S’more banana.

  1. Mangoes

Mangoes are cheap, super healthy, and have an impressive nutritional profile. Multiple studies have also linked this stone fruit’s high nutrients to various health benefits. Just one cup of mango (165 grams) contains 67% of your daily value of vitamin C. This essential vitamin supports your immune system, helps your body absorb iron better, and promotes cell reparation and growth.

Like most other fresh fruits, mango is low in calories and keeps you full for longer. A study found that people who eat mango at the start of a meal were less likely to overeat. Mango is also rich in polyphenols, which act as antioxidants to protect your cells from cancer and diabetes-causing free radicals. Mangoes may be peeled and eaten fresh or sliced and added to a variety of foods.

  1. Yellow Bell Peppers

Yellow bell peppers are the most nutritious type of peppers. They are packed with vitamin C, which boosts your immune system and increases your resistance to diseases. These spicy vegetables are also loaded with other essential minerals such as folate and copper, which help the body form red blood cells and maintain healthy bones.

A study found that yellow ball peppers are greatly beneficial to people with depression. This is because the plant is rich in vitamin B6 and B9, which help lighten up the moods of people affected by depression. Yellow Bell Pepper may also work magic on your eye health. Like carrots, they contain a huge amount of various carotenoids, which are essential for your eye.

Bell peppers also come with a reasonable level of capsaicin, a compound that lowers cholesterol levels in your system. You can simply slice your yellow bell peppers and enjoy them with other vegetables. Bell peppers can also be roasted or made into bell pepper sandwiches.

  1. Pineapple

Pineapple is a remarkably tasty, healthy tropical fruit, and it is loaded with nutrients, antioxidants, as well as several other helpful compounds. The high antioxidant content means that the fruit can help your body fight off oxidative stress. Oxidative stress, caused by free radicals, is often linked to chronic inflammation and a poor immune system.

Eating more pineapple may also make digestion more seamless. The fruit contains a group of digestive enzymes called bromelain, which breaks down protein molecules into smaller blocks. Once the molecules are broken down, it becomes easier for the body to absorb them. Bromelain is greatly beneficial among people with pancreatic insufficiency.

Due to their high vitamin, mineral, and enzyme content, pineapples may highly improve your immunity against diseases and reduce inflammation. You need to eat pineapple fresh to get its bromelain content. You can cut the fruit into small slices and eat or make it a part of your fruit salad.

  1. Acorn Squash

Acorn squash is more than just bright color and sweet taste. This seasonal vegetable will enhance your diet with its high nutritional benefits. The yellow flesh of acorn squash contains a high level of vitamin C, provitamin A, B vitamins, magnesium, and potassium. It is also packed with fiber, which contributes to blood sugar regularly and makes you feel full.

Acorn squash is an excellent source of antioxidants that prevent cellular damage. Diets rich in antioxidants also reduce the risks of chronic heart conditions and cancer. Carotenoids such as alpha-carotene, beta carotene, and zeaxanthin can also be found in acorn squash, protecting you from type 2 diabetes and mental decline when eaten. Incredibly versatile, acorn squash may be roasted, added to soup, or eaten as a vegetarian main dish.

Bottom Line

Have you been sidelining yellow-color foods from your diet? It’s time to start harnessing their benefits. Feel free to enjoy any of the 5 fruits and vegetables listed above. You also don’t have to limit yourself. Explore other tasty and nutrient-rich yellow food options.
