Top 5 High Quality Fish That Makes Your Heart Healthy

Fish is healthy and high in protein, making it a great addition to your diet. Also, it supplies omega-3 fatty acids, essential fats that the body cannot produce on its own.

Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in heart and brain function. Experts have disclosed that this fat decreases inflammation and makes you less susceptible to heart disease. In fact, the American Heart Association recommends that you eat fish at least twice a week.

Are you looking to enhance your diet with a rich source of protein? This article discusses five of the healthiest fish options and their nutritional benefits.


Salmon is tasty and highly versatile, so it’s great that this fish offers numerous health benefits. Salmon is one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids, even among fish. Since the body cannot manufacture this fat, you need to introduce it through food.

What’s more, salmon is an excellent source of B vitamins. The fish contains vitamin B12, niacin, riboflavin, folic acid, and many more. These vitamins help convert food into energy while creating and repairing DNA. They may also reduce chronic inflammation, which can lead to disease.

You can buy either farmed or wild salmon, but the latter is preferred because it contains a higher amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which are super beneficial for your heart. Wild salmon are also less exposed to contaminants and antibiotics. In the absence of wild salmon, you can opt for farmed fish or canned options.


Tuna is one of the most consumed fish, usually sold fresh or canned. One of the most incredible perks of eating this fish is its high protein. Tuna packs all the essential amino acids the body requires for growth.

This tasty fish is also low in calories. The skipjack tuna contains just 132 calories per 100 grams. Tuna’s omega-3 fatty acids may help reduce the level of LDL cholesterol, preventing it from accumulating in the arteries of your heart. Studies have shown that consuming more omega-3 fatty acids reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease.

In addition, just 100g of tuna provides your daily B12 and selenium needs. It also contains niacin, which supports energy levels and the nervous system. Be sure to exercise moderation when eating tuna due to the high mercury levels in the fish. Canned white or albacore tuna has been found to have the highest mercury content.


Trout is another great fish to eat if you’re looking to improve your heart health. Trout is a lean protein, and its omega-3 fatty acids help you avoid heart disease. This beneficial fat also boosts memory and reduces chronic inflammation.

Trout is also packed with important vitamins such as niacin and vitamin B12. Niacin is crucial in helping the body convert food to energy while supporting digestive, skin, and nerve functions. Vitamin B12, on the other hand, is required to form red blood cells and transport oxygen around the body.

In the case of trout, farmed fish is better than wild options as there is a strict regulation on trout farming in the U.S that limits the amount of chemicals that farmers can use. This regulation ensures lower mercury levels and safer fish overall.


Mackerel is a popular oily fish known for its strong flavor. Like other oily fish, it has high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Experts believe that this good fat reduces blood pressure and decreases the amount of cholesterol in your body. Studies have also backed this claim, showing that people who eat mackerel have lower blood pressure and less cholesterol.

Mackerel’s healthy fats and protein may aid weight loss. Studies have shown that fats and protein can help lower ghrelin levels, the hunger hormone. Additionally, high-protein meals keep you fuller for longer.

In addition to its beneficial fat, mackerel contains many nutrients that support strong bones. The most vital one is vitamin D, which supports phosphorus and calcium metabolism. Getting sufficient vitamin D makes you less susceptible to bone loss and fracture.


Sardine is another oily fish that is good for the heart due to its high omega-3 fatty acid content. So much so that some health experts recommend this fish to protect those who have once had a heart attack.

Sardines contain vitamin B-12, which supports your cardiovascular system and provides energy. Studies have also shown that the B vitamin is necessary for bone health in both young and old.

Also, sardines are packed with calcium, making them a great food choice for anyone who is lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy products. This fish can benefit pregnant women who require other forms of calcium for their babies.

Bottom Line

Eating fish allows you to get enough omega-3 fatty acids and other essential nutrients for cardiovascular health. Try out any of the fish options above to improve your diet and reap various health benefits.
