Top 7 Fruits and Vegetables that Boost your Vitamin K Intake

Vitamins and minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the body. These nutrients play various roles in helping you maintain optimal health by combating diseases. Vitamin K, also known as phylloquinone, is a nutrient rarely discussed but offers numerous health benefits.

Vegetables contain the highest amounts of vitamin K, but you can also get this crucial nutrient from many fruits. This article will discuss the top 7 fruits and vegetables you can consume to boost your vitamin K intake.

Importance of Vitamin K

Vitamin K isn’t just one nutrient but a group of compounds. The most useful parts of these compounds are the K1 and K2 vitamins. K1 can be obtained from leafy greens and other vegetables, while K2 can be gotten from meat, cheese, and egg.

Vitamin K offers various health benefits, including:

  • Improved bone health
  • Cognitive health
  • Heart health

Although deficiency of this vitamin is rare, when it occurs, it can increase blood clotting time after wounds. In the absence of vitamin K, the body will be unable to produce prothrombin, a protein crucial for blood clotting.

The following factors put you at risk of vitamin K deficiency:

  • Absorption/digestive tract disease
  • Taking drugs that obstruct the absorption of vitamin K
  • Malnourishment
  • Heavy alcohol intake

Daily Recommended Vitamin K Intake

The recommended adequate intake of vitamin K varies across gender and ages. Below is the ODS recommended intake:

Children (Male & Female)

  • 30 mcg for 1-3 years
  • 55 mcg 4-8 years
  • 60 mcg 9-13 years
  • 75 mcg 14-18 years


  • 90 mcg for female
  • 120 mcg for male

Fruits and Vegetables With Vitamin K

Below are top fruits and vegetables packed with vitamin K:


Kale is the king of vitamin K among leafy green vegetables. This cruciferous plant is loaded with 565 mcg of the powerful nutrient in every ½ cup. Studies show that the vitamin K content in kale means that the vegetable helps in blood clotting.

Even after cooking, kale provides your daily requirement of vitamin K. Gently steam the green vegetable before eating or make it into a smoothie to access its vitamin K content.

Kiwi Fruit

There is no better fruit to boost your vitamin K intake than kiwi. This tiny fruit is mightily blessed with vitamin K, packing 73 mcg in each cup. This is about 60% of the daily value in an adult male.

What’s more, kiwi can also be a great source of vitamin C and E, as well as several other essential minerals. Although some people prefer to peel off the fruit’s skin, eating it whole is perfectly healthy.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts may not have the best reputation among children, but you can’t deny their amazing health benefits. One cup of this vegetable contains 285 mcg of vitamin K. Research shows that increasing your consumption of this green vegetable may stave off cardiovascular conditions.

Feel free to eat your brussels sprouts raw or include them in a vegetable salad. However, if you experience gas and bloating, you may have to cook the vegetable before eating it.


Grapes have been around for thousands of years but will always remain helpful due to their vast nutritional composition. These fruits are available in various colors, all of which share similar nutritional and health benefits. A 100 grams of grapes can provide about 15 mcg of vitamin K, about 12% DV.

Grapes are best eaten fresh and whole. However, this mighty fruit may also be pre-sliced, juiced, or made into applesauce.


Broccoli is packed with many vitamins and antioxidants, making it a powerful food to ward off health problems. Among the numerous nutrients in this vegetable, you’ll also find Vitamin K. One cup of broccoli packs 110 mcg of phylloquinone.

Adding this rich food to your diet is very easy. You can blanch or stir fry it and make it part of your salad. However, ensure that you don’t overcook the vegetable, so it doesn’t lose its nutrients and flavor.


Cauliflower, one of the most popular cruciferous vegetables, can also strengthen your vitamin K diet. One cup of cauliflower contains about 15.5 mcg of vitamin K, and it further goes up to 17.1 mcg when cooked.

Add a bowl of this tasty vegetable to your meals to access its vitamin benefits. Research also shows that eating cauliflower can help you maintain a healthy digestive system as well as prevent obesity and arthritis.


A list of vitamin K-rich fruits would not be complete without avocado. This delicious fruit is very popular for its vast health advantages, and it can also supplement your vitamin K intake. A 100 grams of avocado contains 21 mcg of vitamin K.

Various studies have also shown that avocados can lower unhealthy cholesterol levels and regulate appetite. Avocados can be eaten raw like many other fruits. You can also sprinkle on some lemon juice or salt for added taste.

Bottom Line

Since vitamin K is associated with various health benefits, leaving it out of your diet could be detrimental. Before seeking multivitamin supplements, try out these fruits and vegetables to drive up your vitamin K intake.
